
About Me!

Hi! I am Christine, I am defined by many things.

That's us!  (I'm the one in the front) 
I grew up with 3 older sisters, a twin sister and a younger brother. (yes that's 6 kids!)  Most people think that's a lot... but some people have 19 kids.  It's normal for us and I can't imagine it any differently!  We are all grown up now are starting families of our own.

My favorite twin's wedding -- November 2011
I married Jon in August of 2009 and we had Abigail in August of 2011!  And when they say a baby changes your life, its true!  Abby is the best change we've ever had!  I am amazed everyday!

I am a military wife.  Jon is in the United States Air Force.  He is very modest about it but I am so proud of what he does every day.  I have a great respect for all who serve or have served our country.  Being a military wife has its ups and downs, but I always try to stay positive!

 I am a female electrician.  I became an apprentice electrician in October of 2006 and a licensed, journeyman electrician in May of 2012.  As of right now I'm not working full time as an electrician, instead I am staying home with Abby.  I loved learning the trade and my experiences in the field, but right now I am loving being a stay-at-home mom!

I am a wanna-be gardener.  I started a vegetable garden in our back yard two summers ago and will do it again this year.  I'm a complete "newby" and am always researching what to do next!

That's me (#18) a couple years ago
I am a hockey player and coach.  I've been a hockey player for almost 20 years now!  Wow, that makes me feel old!  I started playing when I was 9 years old and I plan to play in some way or another as long as I physically can.  I coached a few years and ran many power skating and hockey clinics.  I only hope Abby instills a love for a sport like I did.  I believe it kept me out of trouble and made me the person I am today.
She doesn't know how much she loves hockey yet!

I am a crafty, do-it-yourself'er.  My mom is the craftiest person I know.  She does a little bit of everything.  She made our clothes when we were little; she makes beautiful quilts, she knits and crochets, makes cards; she made each of her daughters wedding invitations.  She does it all!  I like to think I am sort of following in her foot steps.  I have always loved crafts, but was always very busy with hockey, which took priority!   I am not nearly as creative as my mom, but I have learned to crochet.  I made my own diaper bag, and some cloth baby wipes!  My sister actually asked me (not mom!) last night to sew something for her.  I hope to, one day in the near future, make my own cloth diaper for abby!

Quick nursing session before a game!
I am a breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering Momma!  I love being a mom.  I love my little abbygirl.  And I love cloth diapers!  When we got pregnant, I didn't know much about birth or babies.  I mean, I babysat as a kid and I had a few nephews at the time, but really, how much can you really know before you have your own?!?  I did know that my mom had most of us naturally and I wanted to do that too.  When Jon suggested we cloth diaper our baby, I said "OK, what the heck?"  (not exactly in those words, as I was still working as an electrician and I may or may not (still) have a potty mouth :-/  That is when my obsession started!  Now I try to be as natural as possible, not only with Abby, but myself too!

So, that's a glimpse of me, and, well, most of the womEn that I am.  There is much, much more to me, as you will see if you decide to follow my blog and hopefully we can become lifelong blog friends and learn from each other :-)

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